Hello , welcome to all of you who have somehow stumbled onto this site ! I am trying to make it more manageable, so expect heavy lifting.
Hello , welcome to all of you who have somehow stumbled onto this site ! I am trying to make it more manageable, so expect heavy lifting.
My name is Rob Stephens, and here is an uncomfortable paragraph where I roll out my bio and crow about it : hopefully in a way that isn’t too braggy , but isn’t too self-deprecating either. Something impressive, but not “ pop my collar in public” impressive. So, hang on, here goes:
As a painter and printmaker, I have degrees from Southern Methodist University (BFA) and a The Ohio State University (MFA) . I have taught a wide variety of university courses, usually “flat” studio arts. My background also includes organizing / teaching workshops for various non profits and museums in the midwest, particularly in printmaking and zine creation both for youth and adults. ( a few splashy examples would include an LGBTQ teen zine class, a fast and ugly woodcut & bleach t-shirt workshop , a silkscreen for skateboards class, and a "queering the museum" tour etc.) |
[ Insert some general explanation of who am and what I am doing... a sort of a "When I was younger, I used to think a lot about being an artist, dramatically living in an abandoned garret in France, chain smoking cigarettes, a dubious mattress flopped on the floor littered with abandoned drawings and unpaid bills" number. You know the whole tired out enchilada of that “young artist” trope. Think “My name is Asher Lev.” Think "Paint Me Blood Red" ..... Things didn't work out that way ...] I have exhibited my work widely across the US, and am currently living in Louisiana (right near New Orleans). I was awarded an Iowa Artist Fellowship in 2016 for some autobiographical zines I was making titled Good Kid Rob . I can provide a more thorough, much more boring, resume if requested.