Hello....if for some reason you have stumbled upon this website, I should tell you it has been dormant for years, and now is being radically renovated. Most is hidden right now, but soon ….
Hello....if for some reason you have stumbled upon this website, I should tell you it has been dormant for years, and now is being radically renovated. Most is hidden right now, but soon ….
Insert some general explanation of who am and what I am doing...sort of like: When I was younger, I used to think a lot about being an artist, imagining the whole living in an abandoned garret in France, chain smoking cigarettes, dubious mattress flopped on the floor around littered drawings, you know the whole enchilada when you think about the “young artist” trope. Think “My name is Asher Lev.” Think “Portrait of an artist as a young man”..... |