Chapter 4: Blood River #shipoffools #thetriumphofdeath #safety #artistwithdisabilities #pandemic #pandemicart #quarintineart #covid19 #exterminism #covidartmuseum #thebloodisthelife #wetiko #iamthevampireofmyownheart #trickledowneconomics #bloodisblood #excesslabor #wealthinequality #vampire #graveytrain #lifeboatethics #scarcity #essentialworkers #economicstimulus #bailout #winedarksea #seaoflove #mainstreet #ourtown #healthcare #insurance #mateselection #thelurkeratthethreshold #suberbia #nosferatu
Chapter 4: Blood River # aristswithdisabilities #pandemic #pandemicart #quarintineart #covid19 #covidartmuseum #covid19artmuseum #entrepreneurship #iamthevampireofmyownheart #invisiblehandofmarket #trickledowneconomics #bloodisblood #wagelabor #wealthinequality #vampire #graveytrain #goldrush #exterminism #thebloodisthelife #lifeboatethics #scarcity #essentialworkers #economicstimulus #bailout #winedarksea #economicengine #prisonersdilemma #laissezfaire #individualism #freemarket #occupy #surpluslabor #wetigos #redhanded #cannibals #fortune500 #ceos #banalityofevil Chapter 4: Blood River #exterminism #thebloodisthelife #lifeboatethics #scarcity #essentialworkers #economicstimulus #bailout #winedarksea #artistwithdisability #pandemic #pandemicart #quarintineart #covid19 #covid19artmuseum #entrepreneurship #stimulous #sharktank #bloodinthewater #listentothemthechildrenofthenight #iamthevampireofmyownheart #trickledowneconomics #invisiblehandofmarket #industry #bloodisblood #wagelabor #wealthinequality #theshining #redrum #vampire #graveytrain #goldrush #willnotallthepurfumesofarabiasweetenthislittlehand #easy street #inthiseconomy??? #opportunity Chapter 4 : #winedarksea #threegraces #thefates #thefuries #plandemic #birthofvenus #metamorphosis #maskofthereddeath #carrie#dirtypillows #theyreallgoingtolaughatyou #thebloodisthelife #gaslit #lifeboatethics #amusingourselvestodeath #ifitbleedsitleads #iamthewoundandtheknife #iamthevampireofmyownheart #gigeconomy #artistwithdisability #pandemic #pandemicart #quarintineart #covid19 #madnessofthecrowds #dystopia #wadeinthewater #grandreopening #newnomal #homecomingqueen #Thepenaltyforthiswillyetbepaidwithyourprofaningblood Chapter 4 Bloodriver #democracy #givethepeoplewhattheywant #cake #plandemic #freedomtowork #liberty #maskofreddeath #carrie#thebloodisthelife #letthemratcake#gaslit #lifeboatethics #amusingourselvestodeath #ifitbleedsitleads #humanresources #gigeconomy #artistwithdisability #pandemic #pandemicart #staycation2020 #theunproductive2% #scarcity#quarintineart#covid19#covid19artmuseum#madnessofthecrowds #dystopia#thegreatescape#wadeinthewater#theyreallgonnalaughatyou #marieantounette #backtowork #backtoschool Chapter 4 : Blood River Everyone around here actively goes out of their way to disbelieve there is any reason to wear a mask. It is not just surly teenagers at shitty jobs, either, who wear their masks below their nose, but even the olds too. In fact the olds not only cluster around town maskless, but are angry if you are wearing one, the same way meat eaters are angry at vegans. Most of the mask hatred I have seen is coming from the over 60 set. I think people want to believe things are normal so badly, because normal for them is the same as good. One of the hardest things about this disability right now is missing my friends , and seeing them all forced to work. My brother talks about how he is pretty much surrounded by regular Typhoid Mary types at the courthouse. #exterminism #thebloodisthelife #bloodriver #shipoffools #isolationism #lifeboatethics #elizabethbathery #scarcity #essentialworkers #cruiseships #workmakesyoufree #economicstimulus #pestilence #masqueofthereddeath #artistwithdisability #pandemic #pandemicart #staycation2020 #theunproductive2% #scarcity #quarintineart #covid19 #covidartmuseum #covid19artmuseum #madnessofthecrowds #dystopia #thegreatescape #federalbailout #Iamthewoundandtheknife #letthemeatcake #ifibleedsitleads #cannibal #wetiko #sacrifice #cureisworsethandisease Chapter 4: Blood River #exterminism #thebloodisthelife #isolationism #lifeboat #elizabethbathery #scarcity #essentialworkers #cruiseships #workmakesyoufree #carnivalcruiseline #economicstimulus #pestilence #masqueofthereddeath #artistwithdisability #pandemic #pandemicart #staycation2020 #theunproductive2% #quarintineart #covid19 #covidartmuseum #madnessofthecrowds #dystopia #thegreatescape #humanresources #federalbailout #raft #socaildarwinism #lifeboatethics The end of the world brings up a lot of feelings, as expected, but I never would have guessed embarrassment would be high on the list. People are ignoring the pandemic, places are opening, murder hornets are everywhere, Trumpers are rampant, late stage capitalism is doing what it does and the Democrats aren't even trying to pretend that they are interested in the people .... The weather seems wounded. I guess I am in a bad mood. My legs aren't helping either . Reporting from Louisiana. Emergency gumbo is being made for the storm ahead.
#landofmilkandhoney #masks #foundingfathers #dreathandthemiser #landolakes #butter #colonization #hoarding #containment #artistwithdisability #pandemic #pandemicart #staycation2020 #socialdistance #scarcity #quarintineart #covid19 #westwardexpansion #madnessofthecrowds #inequality #Karens #privilege #tryptic #letthemeatcake #enviromentalist #naturalresources #classwarfare #biologicalweapons #weaponizedhealthcare #genocidepastandpresent #whiteness #philosophersstone #straytogold #complicity #moralstatedoesnotmeanmoralwill #originstory #manafromheaven #wetigo #virus #greedexcessselfishconsumption