#codeswitch #disabilityartist#mobility #isolation#awkwardstaycation #quarintine#pandemic #hotwheels #selfportrait#identity #accessible #spectacle#covidartmuseum #cyborg#transhuman #posthuman #oliveleaf#birdreturns #olivebranch#aftertheflood #iamthestain#bodyhorror #thechariot #chariot #iamnotinspiration #iamnotacautionarytale #atrophy
This is based on the Hermit Tarot Card . I like the idea of lanterns being both signaling devices (like Paul Revere)or as a way to discover secrets in the dark. The hermit turns his lantern inward but the light still illuminates his surroundings. I think lanterns are both signals, reaching across from the void to others, and also detectors, probing into the unseen. The eccentric greek Diogenes of Sinope used to bring a lantern with him during the day to try and find an honest man. The hermit in this piece is Jean Charles , a crew member from the “Raft of the Medusa” before it is rescued. The shining lanterns in response are police stations aflame speckling the sky like fireflies ...those are some things i was thinking about when I made this.
#lightbringer #prometheus #nightvision#smokesignal #lighthouse #beacon#signallamp #lantern #thehermit #tarot#diogenesofsinope #lucilleclifton#raftofthemedusa #gericault#jeancharles #paulrevere #3rdprecinct#burnhollywoodburn #fireflies#theresalight#longdistantcommunication #pandemic#covidartmuseum #abolition #acab “The limits of language are the limits of my world”
#Qualia #languageattrition #pictograms #codes #ciphers #sigils#referent #signification #sign #symbol#languageshift #transmission#bleedingheart #immaculateheart#ineffable #emoji#communicationconstraints#accessibility#slang #pandemic#covidart #quarantine #sos#newnormal #aura #venacular #vaticanIII #themediumisthemessage#uniqueness#artintheageofmechanicalreproduction Out and About . Lots of weirdos are swarming the towns lately. This is not the first time the US has weaponized disease. Instead of blankets, it now uses those crusty anti-mask jihadists , willing to become walking bombs for the class war. In the past, people used to catapult plague corpses into enemy territory , now we launch outraged karens to escalate the virus to undesirables and to suppress the vote with their kamikaze trips to hair salons, football games , and bars I dream of a future when we can freely go out into nature without having these typhoid mary types constantly under foot!
#eugenics #bioweapons #sheeple#covid19 #pandemic #covid19 #pandemic #socialdistance #invulnerable #ittakesavillage #classwarfare #socialcontract #publicgood #bubbleboy #accessibility #disabilityartist #6% #ableism #environmentalism #safety #tourism #germwarfare #jihad #kamikaze #globalwarming Influenced by the Tarot Card The Lovers - which traditionally represents a reconciliation of opposite energies . In this, the lovers are blocked off from each other with walls of commerce , consumption, broken communication systems, corrupt technology. Yet there is still a sliver of connection - a thread still exists, that transmits a vibration to each other. It’s not ideal, but it is something.
#tarot #thelovers #tarotduringpandemic #pandemic#covid19 #covidartmuseum #union #thereispowerintheunion #obstruction #blockades #postalservice #buffering #community #isolationism #sos #unite #synthesis #gap #ldr #quarantine #imisspeople #areyoutheregoditsmemargerate #socialdistancing2020 These next few are about feeling disconnected and isolated. Being trapped in bodies with thin , unreliable connections to the outside. Topics: The Harlow’s monkey experiment, the importance of maternal contact , disembodied socializing, painted cakes not satisfying, counterfeit relationships, surrogates, having a bad mother is preferable to having no mother, social distancing and zoom.
#terryclothmother #pieta #harlow #harlowmonkey #harlowmonkeyexperiment #deprivation #scarcity #socialdistancing #plague #covid19 #pandemicart #covidartmuseum #madonnaandchild #isolation #anyportinastorm #disability #sos #bonding #untouchable #mirage #zoom #socialnetworking #paintedcakesdonotsatisfyhunger #thereisnothingbutpaintedcakes Plague Town - August .
These next few are about feeling disconnected and isolated. Being trapped in bodies with thin , unreliable connections to the outside. Topics: The Harlow’s monkey experiment, the importance of maternal contact , disembodied socializing, painted cakes not satisfying, counterfeit relationships, surrogates, having a bad mother is preferable to having no mother, social distancing and zoom. #terryclothmother#madonnaenthroned #harlow #harlowmonkey #harlowmonkeyexperiment #deprivation #scarcity #socialdistancing #plague #covid19 #pandemicart #covidartmuseum #madonnaandchild #isolation #anyportinastorm #disability #sos #bonding #untouchable #mirage #zoom #socialnetworking #paintedcakesdonotsatisfyhunger #thereisnothingbutpaintedcakes Here are more plague town journal entries - All thematically linked on the zen saying “painted cakes do not satisfy “. They are about quarantined life when the world is on fire.#plague#staycation#globalstaycation#news#lamestreammedia#covidartmuseum #pandemicart#swoon#faintingcouch#spectatorculture#audience #isolation#bystander#simulacra#jetpuffed#televised#gawk#snuffmovies#feelbadnews#smashthestate#acab#ghostinmachine#evildemonproblem#epistemology #massmediaexperience#electronicnervoussystem#fightorflight#howdoyoulikethemmarshmellows#doomscrolling
Hi ! I am a recently disabled artist navigating the quarantine and figuring out new ways to make art. I am just trying to figure out some of my new work. I call them paintings on the video but really they are more like collages - stitched together from the glut of information that we are constantly awash in. It seems like a hellish quilt I am making from news events, art history, books, comic strips, and exploitation films. I awoke this morning from an intense dream. One of the dream people in it shared the same name as the host of a podcast I usually listen to while falling asleep. I listen to a huge amount of podcasts from horror movie reviews, to political diatribes, to history, to queer theory, and comedy. So it is little wonder that my dreams have been so weirdly jumbled. I hope these "paintings" work in the same way .