These next few are about feeling disconnected and isolated. Being trapped in bodies with thin , unreliable connections to the outside. Topics: The Harlow’s monkey experiment, the importance of maternal contact , disembodied socializing, painted cakes not satisfying, counterfeit relationships, surrogates, having a bad mother is preferable to having no mother, social distancing and zoom.
#terryclothmother #pieta #harlow #harlowmonkey #harlowmonkeyexperiment #deprivation #scarcity #socialdistancing #plague #covid19 #pandemicart #covidartmuseum #madonnaandchild #isolation #anyportinastorm #disability #sos #bonding #untouchable #mirage #zoom #socialnetworking #paintedcakesdonotsatisfyhunger #thereisnothingbutpaintedcakes
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